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Couverture de Until My Dying Breath

Until My Dying Breath

De : Emma Garofalo
Lu par : Summer Doyle
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    Kyra has always made it a habit to follow the rules. Or, more specifically, she has done so in hopes of staying out of sight and out of mind to those around her. Ever since she was taken prisoner, even with the feelings she's kept towards those responsible for killing her mother, she's never had an issue keeping her head down. That is, until she and her entire prison sector are relocated, and those feelings begin to bubble to the surface as tensions grow.

    With new faces, new abilities, and a new destiny, will Kyra be able to listen to her fear and keep her head down? Or will this long-growing anger inside her finally push its way to the surface? Between facing reality and imagining a new world for herself, Kyra will have to finally question who she truly is, and in doing so, change the fate of everybody around her.

    Dive into the emotional beginning of The Last Ones, a new world that's bound to take dystopian fantasy to a whole new level.

    ©2023 Emma Garofalo (P)2023 Emma Garofalo

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