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Couverture de Unstoppable


De : Chiquis Rivera
Lu par : Frankie Corzo
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    Latin Grammy Award–winning singer-songwriter and author of the New York Times bestseller Forgiveness returns with this nationally bestselling memoir that shares the triumphs, hardships, and lessons of life after her mother Jenni Rivera’s death.

    Bringing her signature warmth, humor, and positivity, Chiquis Rivera picks up where her memoir Forgiveness left off.

    Reeling from her mother’s tragic death, Chiquis finds herself at a major crossroads. As a new parent to her younger brother and sister, she struggles to balance her family’s needs with her dreams of becoming a successful singer and entrepreneur.

    Stepping out of the shadow of her mother’s legendary career and finding her own identity as a singer is challenging…but navigating unhealthy relationships proves to be even harder.

    When she meets and marries the person she believes is the man of her dreams, it seems like life is finally falling into place. But a dark secret unravels their relationship, and Chiquis emerges stronger as a single woman.

    In the end, nothing can keep Chiquis down. Her philosophy for life says it all: “Either I thrive, or I learn.” Filled with life-affirming revelations, Chiquis ultimately shares her greatest gift with her fans—the accessible lessons that have made her unstoppable.

    ©2022 Sweetcheex Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. (P)2022 Simon & Schuster, Inc. All rights reserved.

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