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Couverture de Unstitched


De : Brett Ann Stanciu
Lu par : Brett Ann Stanciu
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    What if society looked at addiction without judgment?

    Unstitched shares the powerful story of one librarian’s quest to understand the impact of addiction fed by stigma and inevitable secrecy.

    The opioid epidemic has hit people in communities large and small and across all socioeconomic classes. What should each of us know about it and do about it?

    Unstitched moves listeners from feelings of helplessness and blame into empathy, ultimately helping friends, family, and community members separate the disease of addiction from the person underneath.

    A stranger, rumored to be a heroin addict, repeatedly breaks into the small-town library Brett Ann Stanciu runs. After she tries to get law enforcement to take meaningful action against him—elementary school children and young parents with babies frequent the place after all—he dies by suicide. When she realizes how little she knows about opioid misuse, she sets out on a mission, seeking insight from others, such as people in recovery, treatment providers, the town police chief, and Vermont's US attorney.

    Stanciu’s journey leads to compassionate generosity, renewed faith, and ultimately a measure of personal redemption as she realizes she has a role to play in helping the people of her community stitch themselves back together.

    ©2021 Brett Ann Stanciu (P)2021 Steerforth


    “…A compelling read, and an important one.”—Literary North

    “This is a deeply compassionate and extremely important book.”—The Deerfield Valley News

    “…by approaching these conversations with humility, willing to listen and not judge, Stanciu gathered an illuminating collection of testimonials."—Seven Days

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