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Couverture de Unreliable Narrator

Unreliable Narrator

De : Aparna Nancherla
Lu par : Aparna Nancherla
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    The New Yorker Best Books of 2023

    NPR's Books We Love 2023

    “A deeply honest and funny look at how exhausting it can be to live a human life, Unreliable Narrator is a book for anyone who wants to laugh and feel less alone.”—Amy Poehler

    A hilarious and insightful collection of essays exploring impostor syndrome, from the inside and out, by the most successful fraud in comedy

    Aparna Nancherla is a superstar comedian on the rise—a darling of Netflix and Comedy Central’s comedy special lineups, a headliner at comedy shows and music festivals, a frequenter of late night television and the subject of numerous profiles. She’s also a successful actor who has written a barrage of thoughtful essays published by the likes of the New York Times. If you ask her, though, she’s a total fraud. She’d hate to admit it, but no one does impostor syndrome quite like Aparna Nancherla.

    UNRELIABLE NARRATOR is a collection of essays that uses Aparna’s signature humor to illuminate an interior life, one constantly bossed around by her depression (whom she calls Brenda), laced with anxiety like a horror movie full of jump-scares, and plagued by an unrepenting love-hate relationship with her career as a painfully shy standup comedian. But luckily, crippling self-doubt comes with the gift of keen self-examination. These essays deliver hilarious and incredibly insightful meditations on body image, productivity culture, the ultra-meme-ability of mental health language, and who, exactly, gets to make art “about nothing.” Despite her own arguments to the contrary, UNRELIABLE NARRATOR is undeniable proof that Aparna is a force—as a comedian and author alike—to be reckoned with.

    ©2023 Aparna Nancherla (P)2023 Penguin Audio


    The New Yorker Best Books of 2023

    NPR's Books We Love 2023

    "An insightful collection of hilarious, relatable essays...Bringing her talent for humor to the page, Nancherla questions modern culture’s obsession with chasing perfection, our abysmal social media habits and the drudgery of depression."—W Magazine

    "A glimpse into the brain of a woman who works very hard to take care of it...[These] essays...tell a story of struggle, skepticism and, ultimately, perseverance."—Washington Post

    "Unreliable Narrator is both sensitive and side-splitting, as well-researched as it is relatable. Nancherla walks readers through the course of her career, her kamikaze humor infiltrating even the darkest, most revealing parts of her narrative.”—Paste Magazine

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