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Couverture de Unorthodox Love

Unorthodox Love

De : Heidi Shertok
Lu par : Caitlin Thorburn
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    Maybe G-d was distracted the day He assigned soulmates, and accidentally skipped me. Or maybe I was the distracted one, backstroking through the clouds and making dead people jokes, and totally forgot to get in line. Yeah, that must've been it.

    Penina has grown up believing the Orthodox Jewish teaching that there is one soulmate out there for everyone. But now she's twenty-nine and single, she's starting to wonder if she's the exception.

    She has tried everything to find 'the one' and after yet another disastrous date, she can feel even her faith starting to dwindle.

    Add to that spending her days surrounded by diamond engagement rings in the jewellery store where she works and her new boss, Sam Kleinfeld, making her life a living hell, and Penina feels more hopeless than ever.

    Until she meets Zevi, a handsome, successful, Orthodox singleton just like her. Who has a rather unusual proposal. Could Penina be about to get everything she's ever wanted?

    But then there's Sam, her very non-Orthodox, pain of a boss, who she just can't stop thinking about... Penina has always followed the rules. But will finally getting a chance at true love mean she needs to break some?

    A laugh-out-loud romantic comedy, perfect for fans of Ali Hazelwood, Sophie Kinsella and Emily Henry.

    ©2023 Heidi Shertok (P)2023 Bonnier Books UK
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance


    'One of the funniest romcoms I've read...I fell in love...perfect. A truly delightful debut.'- Catherine Walsh, author of The Rebound

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