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  • Unleash the Healer Within

  • How to Take Immediate Control of Your Health
  • De : Tim Smith
  • Lu par : Dr. Tim Smith
  • Durée : 6 h et 21 min

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Unleash the Healer Within

De : Tim Smith
Lu par : Dr. Tim Smith
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    What could you achieve with vital energy, a sustainable nutrition plan that builds true health from within, optimum and pain-free function of all the parts of your body, a toxin and stress-free lifestyle with the proper guidance to living the best quality of life naturally? What would it feel like to never be in fear of sickness and disease because you know there is a drug-free solution to help your body heal itself?

    If you are tired of feeling sick and tired, now is your opportunity to take control of your health and unleash your natural healing potential with the resources and action steps you will learn in this book. Dr. Tim Smith, DC has made it his life mission to educate the public on the principles of real and natural health care for the transformation of people's health through the power of chiropractic and healthy living. He has helped thousands of individuals like you and their families to help address the cause of pain, injury, dysfunction, and disease.

    In this book, Unleash the Healer Within, you will learn:

    • Why you and so many people you know are sick and suffering unnecessarily in a flawed health mindset, and how to address the underlying cause of your health issues so your body is able to heal itself
    • The natural healing power of chiropractic that no doctor has addressed
    • How to create a health care team that can guide you to living a long and vital life
    • How to get out of pain naturally without dangerous opioids and pain medications
    • How to heal your gut, avoid hidden sugars and lose weight permanently
    • The importance of fitness, posture, ergonomics, and daily movement for reversing aging
    • Emotional health techniques to overcome mental barriers to your health
    • How to recognize and eliminate sources of toxicity that are a constant in your daily environment

    Unleash the Healer Within, Dr. Tim Smith will give you the guidance, the reasoning, and the action steps that will inspire you to take control of your health and achieve your optimum health potential!

    ©2022 Timothy Smith (P)2023 Timothy Smith

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