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De : David J. Linden
Lu par : Adam Barr
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    Inspired by the abundance of unique personalities available on dating websites, a renowned neuroscientist examines the science of what makes you, you.

    David J. Linden has devoted his career to understanding the biology common to all humans. But a few years ago he found himself on OkCupid. Looking through that vast catalog of human diversity, he got to wondering: What makes us all so different? Unique is the riveting answer. Exploring everything from the roots of sexuality, gender, and intelligence to whether we like bitter beer, Linden shows how our individuality results not from a competition of nature versus nurture, but rather from a mélange of genes continually responding to our experiences in the world, beginning in the womb. And he shows why individuality matters, as it is our differences that enable us to live together in groups.

    Told with Linden's unusual combination of authority and openness, seriousness of purpose and wit, Unique is the story of how the factors that make us all human can change and interact to make each of us a singular person.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2020 David Linden (P)2020 Basic Books


    "Linden takes us on a colorful journey through our dreams, memories, and senses, exploring how social experience and genes interact to shape each of us as individual human beings. Along the way he combines personal stories, real world analogies, current scientific research, and his own insights to confront the challenging topics of race, sex, gender, and intelligence. A thoughtful, fresh and enjoyable look at ourselves." (Robin Lester, professor of neurobiology at University of Alabama at Birmingham)

    "Bucking the currents of predetermination arising from personal genomics and biomarkers, David Linden examines the most fascinating aspect of biology - everyone is different. Read Linden's book to learn how and why we are all unique." (R. Douglas Fields, author of Electric Brain)

    "A sturdy, scientifically grounded, and anecdotally engaging study of the factors that shape us." (Kirkus)

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