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Couverture de Unfold


De : Ari B. Cofer
Lu par : Ari Cofer
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    From the author of paper girl and the knives that made her comes unfold, a poetic, aching, and hopeful retelling of realizations made while on the journey to healing from both loss of love and loss of self. This audiobook is narrated by the author.

    Through poetry and short essays, unfold shows that true growth comes from being unafraid to face what's hidden inside, to be vulnerable, and to be unashamed of what we find when we finally open up.

    ©2023 Ari B. Cofer (P)2023 Central Avenue Publishing


    "Unfold is a collection filled with heartbreaking nostalgia, a home for grief. Ari B. Cofer does not hide from themselves in this collection. She crafts a universe without judgment and gives you a chance to look at all the parts of yourself, past and present, with honesty and acceptance."—Michaela Angemeer, author of you'll come back to yourself

    "Ari B. Cofer's beautifully heart wrenching poems are an excavation of self, an exploratory journey through the muck of hardships that ultimately make us who we are. These poems are a guide through the trenches with the promise of a hard-won hope on the other side. Unfold is a gorgeous collection that digs deep and strikes gold."—Sheleen McElhinney, author of Every Little Vanishing

    "Ari's writing is breathtakingly brave in its vulnerability and ability to give words to things our hearts can't quite make sense of—this collection is no exception."—Megan Jayne Crabbe—Writer, creator, and presenter.

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