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  • Understanding the Metaverse

  • The Beginners Guide to Virtual Reality, Investing in the Web 3.0 World, NFTs, and the Rest of It!
  • De : Bernard Young
  • Lu par : Kyle Dal Santo
  • Durée : 1 h et 18 min

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Understanding the Metaverse

De : Bernard Young
Lu par : Kyle Dal Santo
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    How much do you really know about the metaverse?

    When big tech announced their metaverse projects, it seemed like just another market aimed at consumer satisfaction. The metaverse then appeared to be another business venture reserved for the big shots. However, this is nowhere near what the metaverse is.

    The metaverse can be very confusing to understand, especially because it is a concept that keeps expanding on a daily basis. The jargon does not make it easier, either, which might be why many people are lost when it comes to what the metaverse is and how to benefit from it.

    What you think you know regarding the metaverse today might be slightly different tomorrow. This is especially the case due to the news surrounding the concept of virtual reality. However, there are basics to the metaverse that can offer you a wealth of knowledge and power to achieve financial security through the metaverse.

    By understanding these, you will be able to navigate your way around this concept even in the midst of changes and additions being made to it. Throughout this guide, you will come across these concepts, gradually building your understanding of the foundation and the cornerstones that the metaverse is built on.

    ©2022 Henry Fahl (P)2022 Henry Fahl

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