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  • Understanding the Centers in Human Design

  • The Facilitator's Guide to Transforming Pain into Possibility
  • De : Robin Winn MFT
  • Lu par : Michael Moxham
  • Durée : 15 h et 29 min

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Understanding the Centers in Human Design

De : Robin Winn MFT
Lu par : Michael Moxham
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    Utilizing the Human Design Centers as an Opportunity for Growth.

    Are you a coach or therapist with a basic knowledge of the Centers in Human Design but are ready to learn more? The Centers provide a clear and immediate map of where we have natural access to ourselves as well as where we are vulnerable to being influenced by others.

    Perhaps you’re aware that the Open Centers are growth opportunities for you, your family, and your clients, but you want to know how to work with the Centers effectively to help people better understand themselves and move forward on their life path.

    Following Robin’s best-selling foundational book on Type, Strategy, and Authority in Understanding Your Clients through Human Design: The Breakthrough Technology, prepare to step into the next dimension of Human Design. In Understanding the Centers in Human Design, you will take an unexpected journey that will dramatically shift how you see and experience yourself and your clients.

    A psychotherapist turned Human Design coach and trainer, Robin Winn, LMFT shows how easy it is to understand yourself, your clients, and where to focus your work for optimal growth when you:

    • Discover the gifts and grapples of the Defined and Undefined Centers
    • Become skillful in working with the Centers
    • Help your clients understand themselves in new, evolutionary, and empowering ways

    Deepen your understanding of the Centers and create profound and lasting growth opportunities by putting this knowledge to use now!

    ©2021 Robin Winn (P)2022 Robin Winn

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