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Couverture de Under the Surface

Under the Surface

De : Diana Urban
Lu par : Rebecca Soler, Max Meyers
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    An epic survival-thriller about four teens who get lost in the Paris catacombs for days—a gripping and propulsive story of love, danger, betrayal, and hope… even when all seems lost.

    "Tense and fast-moving, with a unique setting and compelling characters, Under the Surface is Diana Urban’s best yet."—Karen M. McManus, #1 New York Times bestselling author of One of Us Is Lying

    Ruby is terrified to cave to her feelings for Sean and risk him crushing her heart.

    Sean is pumped to spend a week with Ruby in Paris on their senior class trip, and he’ll wait however long until she’s ready to take things further.

    But when Ruby’s best friend sneaks out the first night to meet a mysterious French boy, Ruby goes after her with two classmates, but caves to another temptation: attending mystery boy’s exclusive party in the Paris catacombs, the intricate web of tunnels beneath the city, home to six million long-dead Parisians. Only they never reach the party.

    Underground, as something sinister chases them, they get lost in the endless maze of bones, uncovering dark secrets about the catacombs…..and each other. And if they can’t find a way out, they’ll die in the dark beneath the City of Light.

    Aboveground, Sean races to find the girl he loves as a media frenzy over the four missing teens begins.

    From award-winning author and rising YA star Diana Urban comes a twisty tale of four teens lost in the dark beneath the City of Light and the race to find them.

    ©2024 Diana Urban (P)2024 Listening Library


    "Punchy dialogue, drum-tight pacing, and tense stakes permeate this nail-biting adventure, a delight from start to finish." Publishers Weekly (starred review)

    "A nightmare we’ve all had: in a place we don’t know well, innocent spontaneity gone awry. Yet, a heart beats fierce throughout this book, from Diana Urban’s brilliantly rendered characters to the City of Light itself. It’s survival, yes, but more than merely physical: Under the Surface explores the survival of friendship, optimism, romance, and hope. All in the horrifying presence of the innumerable dead. Urban is magnificent." —Josh Malerman, New York Times bestselling author of Bird Box and Incidents Around the House

    "Fast-paced and thrilling, Under the Surface has as many dangerous turns and secrets as the catacombs below Paris. Urban’s writing and use of alternating narrators keeps the tension high and the pages turning. At the heart of this dark and creepy (in the best way!) survival story is love, friendship, and hope." —Krystal Marquis, New York Times bestselling author of The Davenports

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