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Couverture de Under the Influence

Under the Influence

De : Avery Kane
Lu par : Meghan Kelly
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    Shay Archer dreamed of a job in journalism, one that would allow her to review bands and sample good food. She got her wish when The Bourbon Street Bugle hired her and set her loose on the Big Easy.

    But now she’s at a crossroads.

    Grady Dalton has more charm than should be allowed by law, but he’s all flirt and no substance. He likes hard news and doesn’t have time for fluff...even if the fluff causes his heart to race.

    Now he’s struggling to find his place in a brave new world.

    When the newspaper makes a shift and goes for influencer pieces instead of real news, Shay and Grady are left scrambling for their jobs. Then they stumble upon a winning formula by accident. The only problem? It means working together, and on a daily basis.

    They’re not friends, but can they stop being enemies? That’s the question of the day.

    Shay can’t afford to lose her job. Grady doesn’t like to lose. Together, they make magic...even if they don’t yet realize it.

    The clock is ticking. Will they recognize the solution is right in front of them? Or will they lose everything because they can’t see the truth?

    ©2022 Avery Kane (P)2022 Avery Kane

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