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Couverture de Under Dawgs

Under Dawgs

De : Casper Ryder
Lu par : Anthony Williams
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    I believe in competition, but I want things to be fair. When I was a kid, I would give my younger brothers a head start to make the race fair. Let's use sports as an analogy that everybody in America can identify with. Let's use MLB and the NFL as examples. Right now, I feel like the world is more like Major League Baseball. After the first month of the season, we know who is going to win, because the teams with the highest payroll have the best chance to win, it's anti-climactic, and it's not equitable Because its predictable, it's less creative, and it's the same teams winning. The world should be more like the National football League, with parity. On any given Sunday any team can win.

    The NFL teams are so close in ability that they must be creative, and focused because there is a chance any team can win or lose. Baseball is a team sport, but Football is more of a team sport because on every play all 22 players must do their part to give their team a chance for success on each play. This gives everyone equity in a team win. Everyone is striving to get better because there is a chance. It's the chance that fuels the motivation. That's the way it should be in America, everyone has a chance.

    I do like competition that's what makes America great – unlike other countries (communist) no competition. Or if you're not from the right family, you can't get into the great schools- you must have the right bloodlines, (in other countries) but in America anything is possible, that's what makes America great.

    ©2023 Eric Williams (P)2024 Eric Williams

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