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Couverture de Unbroken Curse

Unbroken Curse

De : Erika M Szabo
Lu par : John d'Swain
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    Jayden and his archeology group find the burial site of a Medicine Woman from the 5th century. Strangely, Jayden also finds a crude leather book in his grandmother's secret room that was written in 426 by a Shaman.

    His sister, Sofia, decodes the ancient runes, and they learn that a powerful curse cast sixteen hundred years ago destroyed the lives of their ancestors for centuries. If it remains unbroken, the curse will ruin the lives of future generations as well.

    Dark memories of their childhood start to surface, and they’re stunned to realize the similarities between the tragedy of the family described in the Shaman’s book and theirs, sixteen hundred years later. They’re stunned by the conclusion that Jayden is in danger due to a family curse.

    ©2021 Erika M Szabo (P)2024 Erika M Szabo


    "Erika M Szabo whisked me away from reality and into a wonderland. She forged her engrossing plot with simple sentences, which she loads with a sophisticated vocabulary. Her choice of words gives an edge of mystery, suspense, adventure, and romance in her narration. There are secrets, agony, old history, premonitions, dark powers, a story within a story, and much more. She gives vivid depictions of her scenes and characters. This served to add color to her narration. The characters are exciting and fully developed. I found it easy to connect with their thoughts and emotions, which gave me insight into their actions during the next scenes. It also made me empathize with the characters and love as well as loathe some of them. Sofia is portrayed as a young girl whose inquisitive nature is capped with a sharp mind and an ability to learn quickly. Some of the conversations were witty and this spiced up the listening experience. A young adult audience with a yearning for fantasy novels laced with a supernatural tale will love Unbroken Curse." —Keith Mbuya for Readers’ Favorite

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