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Couverture de Unblessed


De : Roger Simpson
Lu par : Aimee Horne
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    Jane Halifax will need all her forensic experience to unlock the secrets of one of the world’s most formidable minds: a Silicon Valley billionaire whose ex-business partner has just been murdered. A thrilling journey into the dark places where genius, money, and murder meet.

    It’s been ten years since Jane was in New York, but within hours of arriving in the city for a well-earned break and to catch up with her step-daughter Zoe, she’s dragged into a case…and finds herself up against one of the toughest minds she’s ever had to crack.

    Sarah Noble is the darling of the tech world–the genius behind an AI defence system that hijacks enemy missiles and turns them against those who launched them. But when Sarah’s estranged business partner is killed in a mysterious plane crash, suspicion immediately falls on one of the few people who could hack the plane’s guidance system and had a motive to do so: Sarah herself. Brilliant, ruthless, erratic, addicted–but is she a murderer?

    Against her better judgement, Jane Halifax agrees to profile Sarah–and is immediately sucked into a world beyond her control, where money is no object, murder a tool of trade, and the stakes go straight to the heart of the United States itself.

    The latest unputdownable Jane Halifax thriller takes us deep into the smartest–and deadliest–places in the world: where Silicon Valley and the US defense industry combine, billions of dollars are made, and souls are for sale.

    ©2024 Roger Simpson (P)2024 Simon & Schuster Audio

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