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Couverture de Unbias


De : Stacey A. Gordon
Lu par : Cynthia Eaton
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    Let the CEO of Rework Work help you understand diversity, equity, and inclusion concepts to actively remove bias from the workplace.

    Dismantling unhealthy workplaces involves much more than talking about it and more than charts, graphs, and statistics - it requires action. Although it's increasingly common for businesses of all shapes and sizes to appreciate the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, many are often unaware of bias in the cultures they've created. Others might know there's a problem but don't know how to properly address it.

    Unbias: Addressing Unconscious Bias at Work helps you understand concepts of workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion, shows you how to identify bias, and provides you with the tools for actively removing barriers and ensuring equity throughout your organization. Written by Stacey Gordon - CEO of Rework Work, a company on a mission to reduce bias in global talent acquisition and management - this real-world handbook offers step-by-step guidance on creating workplace cultures where employees feel they belong.

    Unbias teaches you to:

    • Identify and address bias in the workplace
    • Understand what you can do to be more inclusive
    • Handle potentially uncomfortable conversations
    • Discuss race in an authentic and meaningful way
    • Use workplace-proven tools that make concepts of diversity and equity actionable
    • Help your employee resource groups without giving them extra work
    • Place accountability on organizational policies that allow biased behavior

    Unbias is a must-have resource for all employers, managers, and HR professionals seeking to create and sustain healthy, inclusive, and equitable workplace environments.

    ©2022 Stacey A. Gordon (P)2022 Spotify Audiobooks

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