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  • Unapologetically You

  • 365 Empowering Affirmations for Non-Binary Individuals
  • De : Michelle Mann
  • Lu par : C. S. Forkey
  • Durée : 1 h et 18 min

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Unapologetically You

De : Michelle Mann
Lu par : C. S. Forkey
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    Unapologetically You: 365 Empowering Affirmations for Non-Binary Individuals is a heartfelt and transformative guide by acclaimed author Michelle Mann. Designed specifically for non-binary individuals, this empowering book provides a year-long journey of self-discovery, affirmation, and self-love.

    In a world that often tries to fit people into binary boxes, Unapologetically You celebrates the diverse and beautiful spectrum of gender identities. Michelle Mann, a passionate advocate for inclusivity, invites readers to embark on a daily practice of self-acceptance and empowerment. Through 365 carefully crafted affirmations, this book seeks to nurture and uplift non-binary individuals, encouraging them to embrace their authentic selves without hesitation.

    Each affirmation in this powerful collection is uniquely tailored to the non-binary experience, addressing the unique challenges, triumphs, and aspirations of those on this beautiful and liberating journey. From finding confidence in self-expression to navigating relationships, from embracing personal growth to reclaiming their identities, listeners will find a wealth of affirmations to inspire and motivate them every day.

    More than just a book of words, Unapologetically You serves as a trusted companion and a source of strength. It offers a safe space for self-reflection and discovery, empowering readers to confront societal norms, challenge harmful stereotypes, and cultivate their own sense of worthiness and belonging. Michelle Mann's compassionate and inclusive voice creates a nurturing environment where non-binary individuals can find solace, inspiration, and encouragement on their path to self-actualization.

    Whether listeners are just beginning to explore their non-binary identity or have been embracing it for years, "Unapologetically You" is a guide that honors and celebrates every step of the journey. With its profound wisdom, gentle guidance, and affirming messages, this book helps non-binary individuals realize their inherent power, embrace their true selves, and live authentically without apology. Get ready to embark on a transformative daily practice that will empower you to become the best and most unapologetic version of yourself.

    ©2023 Michelle Mann (P)2023 Michelle Mann

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