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Ultimate Resiliency

De : J.J. Hill, J.B. Snow
Lu par : Paul Holbrook
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How can someone possibly fortify themselves against a narcissist and live another day to tell the story? Sometimes it feels like we just do not know where to start to begin a new chapter of our lives. Why not protect yourself against abuse? Why not teach yourself how to combat this ever growing epidemic? You can regain control of your life and focus on yourself for a change. Give yourself the attention that you deserve and stop allowing narcissists to have the upper hand.

You will better understand how to balance the lopsided scales of your life that are past the tipping point because of a narcissist’s genetic nature. Better understand the hive nature and how to use it to your advantage. You will uncover brainwashing tactics and learn how to put yourself back in control of yourself and the situation.

Understand how and why a narcissist will use sex as a tool to get them ahead in life. Learn why a narcissist is just playing on your emotions as they make you think they are "special". Special people do not need to plead their case as if they are convincing a court full of their peers in a trial. Get yourself out of that rut you are so desperately trying to get out of and help yourself. If he was the “one” then you would not be here right now. Let go of your past and regain control of your life because we only get one shot at it, so do not waste another second on him.

You will learn and understand how a narcissist operates as they drop foreshadowing hints, project their issues and problems onto you, and the meaning behind their "death stare". The narcissist will use any tactic they can to get a rise out of you emotionally. Understand why keeping a "poker face" and your composure can help you refrain from giving the narcissist the upper hand or giving him "ammo" for his cause.

Trust your gut and let go of the fear of being alone. You will find someone better. I promise there are many more like the man you have out there in the world. Be strong and persevere. Do not let the narcissist control you and your life anymore. Stand up for your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Take back the respect and life you crave and deserve.

©2019 J.J. Hill (P)2019 J.J. Hill
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