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Couverture de Ukraine/Russian-Ezekiel 38 War

Ukraine/Russian-Ezekiel 38 War

De : Carlos A. Cedillo
Lu par : Larry Walsh
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    A key point of this book is the present Ukraine-Russian war and its prophetic interaction with what is written in the book of Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39. In an unexpected manner, the narrative brings the Russian war into our present-day geopolitical picture by highlighting the names Gog of Magog. Here the ancient name of Gog is the Russian political leader while Magog would be considered to be the ancient territory of Russia.

    Ukraine also comes into view in this magnificent 2,600-year-old prophecy when the text mentions Gomer and Togarmah in Ezekiel 38:6. This prophetic medley comes into focus when we discover that Gomer is today’s Crimea, a former territory of Ukraine annexed by Russia a few years ago. And Togarmah is a land to the south of Ukraine across the Black Sea.

    Listen and you’ll find the Ezekiel and Revelation actors in a real-time narrative of mighty proportions, and you’ll be astonished when the story zooms into the present-day terrain we're experiencing worldwide. This is coming at us in the form of heat waves, droughts, economic woes, wars, and plagues (pandemic). You'll be shocked when you realize all these calamities are the product of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. But wait and see; there is more--there is rescue.

    Now hold on to your hat, because next, the Ezekiel/Revelation text will teleport you through the millennium and then on to our personal "Face Time with God". And then comes the grand finale, and we hold our breath. We will witness the awesome sight of God’s golden city (New Jerusalem) as it comes down from God and gently lands on earth.

    ©2022 Carlos A. Cedillo (P)2023 Carlos A. Cedillo

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