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  • US Constitution 101

  • From the Bill of Rights to the Judicial Branch, Everything You Need to Know About the Constitution of the United States
  • De : Tom Richey, Peter Paccone
  • Durée : 7 h

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US Constitution 101

De : Tom Richey, Peter Paccone
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    Understand the foundation, principles, and rights that govern the United States with this vital, unbiased, and comprehensive primer to the US Constitution.

    With the Constitution being invoked more and more in American politics, it’s now more important than ever before that you understand the guiding principles and significance of the document that shaped American democracy.

    Written well over 200 years ago, the United States Constitution has endured the test of time and remains the document that defines federal law and policy in the United States. US Constitution 101 explores the construction of the American government as it was laid out in the Constitution, delving into the rights and liberties granted and protected by the document through a detailed examination of each Article and Amendment. From the Preamble to the 27th Amendment, this primer is packed with information about the document that has defined the American political and judicial systems for more than two centuries.

    So, whether you’re looking for deeper knowledge about the rights and responsibilities of American citizenship, or just want to better understand the foundations of American democracy, US Constitution 101 has all the answers—even the ones you didn’t know you were looking for.

    ©2024 Tom Richey and Peter Paccone (P)2024 Simon & Schuster Audio

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