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Couverture de Tyndale


De : David Teems
Lu par : Simon Vance
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    It was an outlawed book, a text so dangerous "it could only be countered by the most vicious burnings, of books and men and women." But what book could incite such violence and bloodshed? The year is 1526. It is the age of Henry VIII and his tragic Anne Boleyn, of Martin Luther and Thomas More. The times are treacherous. The Catholic Church controls almost every aspect of English life, including access to the very Word of God. And the church will do anything to keep it that way.

    Enter William Tyndale, the gifted, courageous "heretic" who dared translate the Word of God into English. He worked in secret, in exile, in peril, always on the move. Neither England nor the English language would ever be the same again.

    With thoughtful clarity and a reverence that comes through in every word, David Teems shares a story of intrigue and atrocity, betrayal and perseverance. This is how the Reformation officially reached English shores - and what it cost the men who brought it there.

    Praise for David Teems' previous work Majestie

    "Teems...pulls together the story of this enigmatic king [James] with humor and pathos.... [A] delightful read in every way." (Publishers Weekly)

    ©2012 David Teems (P)2020 Thomas Nelson

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