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Couverture de Twin Warriors

Twin Warriors

De : Natalie Le Roux
Lu par : Donna Diamond
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    Taken from her home, Amy finds herself trapped on a desert planet with no hope of escape. Lost in the dry, barren wasteland, she barely survives. Making a new home on this cruel, unforgiving planet isn't easy, but Amy begins to see the beauty of this strange world through the eyes of her new friends. When two large, identical twin warriors, half man and half machine, stumble upon her, Amy's life once again changes.

    Unable to chose between the two huge warriors, she falls for both. But this new planet and her new family come with its own deadly challenges.

    Cane and Cole left everything they knew behind for a life on a desert planet. But madness is creeping in, and for twins like them, there is no hope. At least, that is what their entire race told them. Finding Amy changes their lives in ways they never thought could be possible.

    New friends, impossible challenges, a deadly attack on their home, and even an enemy from their past won't stop the twins from doing whatever it takes to keep the woman they both love safe.

    ©2022 Natalie Le Roux (P)2022 Natalie Le Roux

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