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Couverture de Turtle Boy

Turtle Boy

De : M. Evan Wolkenstein
Lu par : M. Evan Wolkenstein
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    This middle-grade debut, which will surely appeal to fans of Wonder, explores self-image, friendship and grief while highlighting the importance of taking chances. It will make you laugh and cry, and you will be eager to share it with someone you love. 

    Seventh grade is not going well for Will Levine. Kids at school bully him because of his funny-looking chin. His science teacher, Ms Kuper, finds out about the turtles he spent his summer collecting from the marsh behind school and orders him to release them back into the wild. And for his Bar Mitzvah community-service project, he has to go to the hospital to visit RJ, an older boy struggling with an incurable disease. Unfortunately, Will hates hospitals. 

    At first, the boys don't get along, but then RJ shares his bucket list with Will. Among the things he wants to do: ride a roller coaster; go to a concert and a school dance; and swim in the ocean. To Will, happiness is hanging out in his room, alone, preferably with his turtles. But as RJ's disease worsens, Will realises he needs to tackle the buck. 

    ©2020 M. Evan Wolkenstein (P)2020 Bolinda Publishing
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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