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Turn the Page

De : Life Essentials Series
Lu par : Chris Brady
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    Leaders are readers. But just reading as many books as the best leaders isn’t enough. In fact, top leaders read differently than most people. If more of us knew how to read the way leaders do, we’d be much more able to emulate their success.

    What many people don’t understand is that there are many ways to read. Students read differently than scholars, and people who read for entertainment usually read differently than those who read for work projects. However, top leaders read differently than all of these.

    Leaders are less concerned with the mere knowledge of a million facts than they are with the internalization and application of real principles and solutions. Leaders read to learn what they need to know, do, or feel, regardless of the author’s intent or words. As they read, they search for answers to questions, great examples of leadership, and whatever else they may need in their leadership journey and mentorial relationships. Leaders see past the words and read with the specific intent of finding truth and applying it directly in their own lives.

    "Turn the Page" teaches you to read like a leader. You will learn the difference between how most people read and how top leaders approach books. In the process, you will have the opportunity to develop the skills of reading like a leader. Learning and applying these lessons and skills will have a huge impact on your life, career, and leadership abilities. So, it’s time to turn the page and read.

    ©2013 Life Leadership, LLLP (P)2019 Life Leadership, LLLP

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