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Truth & Dare

De : Wendy Bunnell
Lu par : Wendy Bunnell
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    Self-help books sell you instructions. This book will help you create your own….

    Life is not easy. For many of us, the daily struggle has been constant throughout our lives. Our society teaches us to cope with our realities by avoiding, distracting, numbing or simply changing ourselves and accepting what it promises will make us happy. The “Fake World”.

    And yet, this recipe fails more times than not. Depression, anxiety, and sadness can still rear their ugly faces often to many who just can’t figure out what it is they need to live a happy and fulfilled life. The problem with someone else’s advice is that it's the strategy that worked for them. Not you....

    Truth & Dare: Daring to Live Your Truth in a Fake World is different. This unique guidebook is about learning and designing your own system, your own method, and your own truth that will revolutionise your life. Ultimately allowing you to propel yourself from struggling to thriving.

    Grab Truth & Dare today and take your life with two hands. Hear your heart, turn off the fake world, and live your truth, once and for all.

    ©2022 Wendy Bunnell (P)2022 Wendy Bunnell

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