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Couverture de Trusting the Gold

Trusting the Gold

De : Tara Brach, Vicky Alvarez - illustrator
Lu par : Tara Brach
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    A beautiful audio program to help us uncover and trust the innate goodness in ourselves and others

    We receive so many messages from our culture meant to divide us from one another or turn us against ourselves. Yet when we stop judging, stop avoiding, stop trying to resist that which makes us afraid or ashamed, we open to our true nature - a boundless field of awareness that is innately fearless and loving.  

    This recognition of our essential human goodness may be the most radical act of healing we can take. “The gold of our true nature can never be tarnished”, says Tara Brach. “In the moments of remembering and trusting this basic goodness of our Being, we open to happiness, peace, and freedom.”  

    In Trusting the Gold, Tara draws from more than four decades of experience as a meditation teacher and psychologist to share her most valuable practices for reconnecting with the beauty of our humanity - from timeless Buddhist wisdom to techniques adapted to the specific challenges of our modern age. Here, you’ll explore three pathways of remembering and living from your full aliveness: 

    • Opening to the Truth of the present moment 
    • Turning toward Love in any situation 
    • Resting in the Freedom of our natural, radiant awareness  

    “Even in the midst of our deepest emotional suffering, self-compassion is the pathway that will carry us home,” she shares. “What a joy to pause and behold our basic goodness, and to see how it shines through each of us. Seeing that secret beauty, we fall in love with all of life.”

    ©2021 Tara Brach (P)2021 Sounds True

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    Un must!

    C’est une pépite !
    Bien entendu, il est repris tout ce qui est déjà connu pour les adeptes des méditations de Tara…

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