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Couverture de Trust Her

Trust Her

De : Flynn Berry
Lu par : Katharine Lee McEwan
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    “Flynn Berry is a must-read for me. Trust Her delivers her trademark blend of riveting suspense and beautiful emotional depth. You will love this novel.”—Laura Dave, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Last Thing He Told Me

    “I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. Berry effortlessly combines suspense with prose packed full of emotional depth in a human-centered story that resonates long after you finish reading.”—Sarah Pearse, New York Times bestselling author of The Retreat and The Sanatorium

    Two sisters find they can't outrun their past in the riveting new thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of Northern Spy, a Reese's Book Club pick

    Three years after they narrowly escaped the IRA's worst punishment for informing, Northern Irish sisters Tessa and Marian Daly have built a new life in Dublin with their young children. Though Tessa is haunted by the abrupt and violent end to her old life, she does her best to immerse herself in the joys of Finn's childhood and the rhythms of her new job at the Irish Observer.

    It's a small island, though, and just as quickly as they disappeared, figures from the sisters' past surface to drag them back into the conflict. Tessa is told she must track down her old handler from MI5, Eamonn, and attempt to turn him into an IRA informant, or lose everything.

    Tessa's reunion with Eamonn revives a host of feelings she has long attempted to bury. As their relationship intensifies and the pressure mounts, long-held secrets rise to the surface, and Tessa must navigate a treacherous landscape of shifting loyalties, all while trying to protect her beloved son.

    With her signature hair-raising suspense, razor-sharp prose, and rich emotional depth, Edgar Award winner Berry has crafted both an unforgettable portrait of two fierce women in the Daly sisters, and her most spellbinding thriller to date.

    ©2024 Flynn Berry (P)2024 Penguin Audio


    “The author continues to interrogate the lasting, and live, impact of centuries of colonialism and violence on contemporary lives . . . A meditation on generational trauma—along with well-scripted action and suspense.”—Kirkus Reviews (starred)

    “By so delicately humanizing the complex scope of Ireland’s troubled history, Berry masterfully balances the lightning pace of a sweat-inducing thriller with the contemplative satisfaction of a cerebral analysis of uncertain family dynamics. With empathetic characters seen believably navigating unforeseen circumstances, the Edgar Award-winning Berry solidifies her burgeoning reputation as a stellar suspense writer.”—Booklist (starred)

    “In Edgar winner Berry’s harrowing sequel to Northern Spy…[her] moving depiction of a fractured family whose love runs as deep as its rifts should please existing series fans and win her new ones. Espionage buffs will find much to enjoy.”—Publishers Weekly

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