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  • Trump and the Protestant Reaction to Make America Great Again

  • De : Matthew Rowley
  • Lu par : Frank Block
  • Durée : 4 h et 2 min

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Trump and the Protestant Reaction to Make America Great Again

De : Matthew Rowley
Lu par : Frank Block
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    This book explores how polarized interpretations of America's past influence the present and vice versa. A focus on competing Protestant reactions to President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan evidences a fundamental divide over how America should remember historical racism, sexism, and exploitation. Additionally, these Protestants disagree over how the past influences present injustice and equality. The 2020 killing of George Floyd forced these rival histories into the open. Rowley proposes that recovering a complex view of the past, confessing the bad and embracing the good, might help Americans have a shared memory that can bridge polarization and work to secure justice and equality.

    An accessible and timely book, this is essential for those concerned with the vexed relationship of religion and politics in the United States, including students and scholars in the fields of Protestantism, history, political science, religious studies, and sociology.

    ©2021 Matthew Rowley (P)2024 Tantor

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