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Truly Beloved

De : Sebastián Blaksley
Lu par : Hugh Cameron
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These 100 love letters are a royal escort to the real you. They are spoken through the totally human and totally divine being of Jesus, identifying himself as “The Christ in You” to emphasize the true nature of your own being as unique, eternal, immutable, and holy. They were written to help each of us transcend polarity and to usher us into the integrity—the unity—of being. Simply absorbing the essence of these love letters carries us into an integrated state that embraces both mind and heart, physical and spiritual, human and divine, Earthly and Heavenly. In other words, we are brought to an awareness of our true identity.

The Truly Beloved love letters are a celestial manifestation of Christ consciousness. They come in unison through the voices of the masculine, feminine, and angelic aspects of God. They are an invitation to rejoin the Source of life. The central message of this work from Heaven is that there is only one true voice, the voice of the Christed One, which dwells in you and in everything that exists.

©2024 Take Heart Publications (P)2024 Take Heart Publications
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