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  • True Life in Uncanny Valley

  • De : Deb Caletti
  • Durée : 11 h et 30 min

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Couverture de True Life in Uncanny Valley

True Life in Uncanny Valley

De : Deb Caletti
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    From the acclaimed author of A Heart in a Body in the World comes the gripping story of a girl living a lie in order to find the truth about her family and herself.

    Eleanor, like so many others, is used to watching her famous father from afar. To the world, Hugo Harrison is the brilliant and charismatic tech genius whose AI inventions seem to create a better new reality. But to Eleanor, whose mother had an affair with Hugo years ago, he is something even more intriguing, and dangerous—a secret.

    When Eleanor’s spying leads her to a posting for a live-in summer nanny job for Hugo's young sonher half-brothershe knows she has to apply. This is finally her chance to learn about her father, his family, and the life that could have been hers. She only has to do one thing: become someone else. With just a few well-placed lies, Eleanor is catapulted into an unfamiliar, intoxicating whirlwind of money and ego, and into a new romance with a cute boy who works for Hugo. But in a place where image is everything and reality can be rewritten, is anything real—even the Harrisons themselves?

    Caught between her own secrets and the ones she’s uncovering about her father and his latest invention, Eleanor faces a question that technology can't answer: what is your true self, and how do you know when you find her?

    ©2025 Deb Caletti (P)2025 Listening Library

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