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Couverture de Trouble off the Tee

Trouble off the Tee

De : Marty Midian
Lu par : Jake Adams
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    Blessed with good looks and elite talent, Lincoln Ross is destined for greatness. He has all the tools to be the next Tiger but just can't get out of his own way. The lure of a beautiful girl and the taste of a cold drink is often too much temptation for the young man.

    Narrated by Jake Adams from The Country Club Adjacent Podcast, Trouble Off The Tee is a one of kind story about golf, sex, drugs and growing up.

    The story begins with Lincoln finishing a mediocre college career and contemplating the real world when an opportunity to chase the golf dream presents itself. Lincoln's journey starts in the bluegrass of Lexington, Kentucky and tracks its way through the South with each change of venue offering new adversity and opportunity.

    Growing up isn't easy for Lincoln. He stumbles hard a few times but keeps his eyes on the fairway and learns about himself along the way. Tee it up with Lincoln Ross and see how far he can hit that little white ball.

    Trouble off the Tee is a lightning fast listen and perfect for the golf degenerate. Lincoln Ross keeps this story 'humming' from start to finish!" - Drew "Sleeze" Stoltz, co-host of Gravy and the Sleeze on Sirius XM PGA Tour Radio and the Golf Subpar Podcast

    ©2024 Trouble Off The Tee LLC (P)2024 Trouble Off The Tee LLC

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