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  • Trauma Recovery Pathways: A Mindfulness Roadmap to Healing and Resilience

  • Your Guide to Overcoming PTSD with Personal Insights and Practical Strategies
  • De : Gretchen Carlson
  • Lu par : Maya Clark
  • Durée : 4 h et 5 min

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Trauma Recovery Pathways: A Mindfulness Roadmap to Healing and Resilience

De : Gretchen Carlson
Lu par : Maya Clark
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    ***Doctor Recommended***

    What if you could live a life where, each day, you are excited to wake up in the morning? Can you imagine having the ability to lift yourself from despair and feel relief from the grip of PTSD?

    For those struggling with PTSD, these might seem like impossibilities. But as a survivor myself, I’m here to tell you it is possible to pull yourself from rock bottom and find happiness in your life!

    I'm Gretchen Carlson, and while I'm not a medical doctor, I am someone who has suffered from PTSD and has been able to overcome the debilitating symptoms by using the strategies I've provided in this book. This book is a product of passion, driven by my desire to share insights and extend support to others!

    You'll find:

    ~Therapeutic approaches to PTSD management alongside strategies for seeking professional assistance to help initiate the healing process.

    ~Diverse solutions that instill hope and help you make better sense of why you’re feeling the way you’re feeling.

    ~Mindfulness-based methods for dealing with triggers and other PTSD symptoms.

    ~Ways to develop a sense of gratitude that will help you discover the potential for healing and growth.

    ~Personal success stories of people overcoming PTSD to inspire a new excitement for life within you.

    Experiencing trauma and struggling with PTSD is something many don’t understand until they’re the ones navigating this complex psychiatric disorder. For that reason, I’ve also provided common questions I was asked about my PTSD diagnosis, with answers that open a healthy dialogue for talking about PTSD, trauma, and other mental illnesses. Though it might feel like it now, this is not the end of the world! Let me act as your friendly guide on your personal journey. Find empowerment through growth, and add this book to your healing toolbox today!

    ©2024 Gretchen Laundry (P)2024 Gretchen Laundry


    "A glimmer of hope at your fingertips..." Dr. Ocha Onazi MD

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