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  • Transforming Trauma

  • Discovering Wholeness and Healing After Trauma
  • De : James S. Gordon
  • Lu par : Will Damron
  • Durée : 10 h et 44 min

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Transforming Trauma

De : James S. Gordon
Lu par : Will Damron
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    Trauma is an integral, inescapable part of life. Even when our symptoms do not reach the level of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), trauma can challenge our ideas about who we are with devastating consequences for our health. Often enough, it compounds our pain and confusion with feelings that we've been responsible for what has happened to us - whether that be a broken relationship, a loss or a traumatic, painful experience or triggering event.  

    In Transforming Trauma, Harvard-trained psychiatrist and world-recognised authority and pioneer of mind-body medicine Doctor James Gordon presents the first evidenced-based program that will help to reverse the psychological and biological damage caused by trauma.   

    He equips listeners with the tools and techniques of self-care that he has used over the last 50 years to help thousands of people across the world who have suffered - from Syrian refugees and 9/11 survivors to everyday people with emotional or physical illness.

    He helps us reestablish broken brain connections and promote the healthy integration of thoughts and feelings; be freed from the hopeless rumination that binds us to our traumas and offer a new path for hope and healing and an opportunity to reclaim our daily lives and experiences. 

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your Library section along with the audio on our desktop site.

    ©2019 James Gordon (P)2019 HarperAudio

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