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Couverture de Trans Studies in K-12 Education

Trans Studies in K-12 Education

De : Mario I. Suarez - editor, Melinda Mangin - editor
Lu par : JJ Hawkins
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    Edited by two prominent figures in trans studies, Mario I. Suárez and Melinda M. Mangin, Trans Studies in K-12 Education brings together scholars and professionals to explore why and how schools should affirm gender diversity and challenge gender-based inequities.

    Gathering a wealth of evidence, the book's contributors expose the prevailing norm of gendered environments, which are entrenched in the very design and execution of educational research. The collection also lays out a critical overview of US laws and policies related to gender equity, gender identity, and gender expression and how these frameworks impact educational environments. These findings draw attention to deficit-oriented, pathologizing ideologies that surround nonconforming gender identities and the detrimental, often traumatizing effects on transgender students and educators.

    Throughout, the contributors recommend methods for establishing gender-affirming research, policy, and practice. They outline the sociopolitical and legal pathways that trans and nonbinary students and school employees may use to secure education and workplace rights. They discuss the positive gains made by professional development for teachers, LGBTQ+ advocacy, and community programs that successfully support transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2022 the President and Fellows of Harvard College (P)2023 Tantor

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