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Train to Lead

De : Christian Muntean
Lu par : Christian Muntean
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    A holistic step-by-step 90-day leadership development journey built on athletic training principles.

    Leadership is more a practice than a title—it requires action, resilience, and strategy. Great leaders develop their skills through dedication and discipline, much like athletes preparing for peak performance. This guide is for any leader wondering, “How do I become more effective at leading others?”

    Train to Lead offers a structured, 90-day path to enhance your leadership capabilities and personal growth, whether you’re newly promoted or have years of leadership experience. This book is designed to help build your leadership core with sustained improvement over time, broken down into training segments: healthy habits, conditioning, strength, power, endurance, and recovery.

    Addressing common challenges for new and seasoned leaders alike, Train to Lead introduces core leadership skills while embracing opportunities for growth, developing confidence, and improving decision-making abilities. Through this program, you’ll grow into a leader who can inspire and maintain high-performing teams.

    In this influential guide, you’ll discover:

    • A self-assessment tool to identify strengths and growth areas.
    • Three training plans designed to match your experience and guide your growth as a leader.
    • Practical strategies to cultivate mental and emotional strength, ease overwhelm, and enable sound, strategic decision-making.
    • Endurance training for leadership, ensuring you can nurture and sustain a thriving team, fostering long-term success.
    • How to promote a culture of rest and healing and protect your team from burnout, unforced errors, and diminished returns.

    Effective leadership in diverse and challenging times comes from within. See tangible results with this action plan and achieve your peak leadership performance with Train to Lead.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2024 Christian Muntean (P)2024 Christian Muntean

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