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Couverture de Trading Experts: The Secret Step 10

Trading Experts: The Secret Step 10

De : Bennett Zamani, Matthew Pryzby
Lu par : Christopher C. Odom
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    Congratulations on making it to the final step before joining the Alpha Chat! You have proven to take your trading and investing very seriously. You have listened to our Game Planning learning why 90% of the work is done before we click the button. You worked through the Chart Reading to understand the necessary patterns to look for in order to click said button. You also completed our Trading Psychology so you know how to deal with all the emotions that come about after clicking the button. Our motivation in this process is to lay out a foundation for you to learn, build & improve your skills.

    From here, were going to dive into strategies and lessons that only ultra high net worth individuals have access to. We will cover many major misconceptions and different aspects of evolving as an investor in a long term space. Some topics include the truth about Mutual Funds, Tax Strategies, Retirement Planning along with long term trading approaches like Asset Allocation & Rebalancing. By the end of this final step we will add over 6 figures to your future net worth! From Shake and Bennett Zamani.

    ©2024 Bennett Zamani (P)2024 Bennett Zamani

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