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De : Sarah Ditum
Lu par : Sarah Ditum
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    Britney, Paris, Lindsay, Aaliyah, Janet, Amy, Kim, Chyna, Jen. Nine iconic women whose fame in the early internet years of the century came at a price. In Toxic: Women, Fame and The Noughties, journalist Sarah Ditum describes how each of the women changed 'celebrity' forever, despite often falling victim to it, during what we now view as one of the most hostile eras in which to be female.

    Through Paris' ambivalent relationship with her blogger namesake Perez Hilton; to Britney's paternalistic governors; Jen's attempts to control her career and image; and Janet's betrayal at the Superbowl, these celebrities of The Noughties were presented with the riches of early social media and market opportunity, as long as they abided by the new rules of engagement. Some of these high-profile women were hypersexualised and 'upskirted' by the press; some were shamed by their advertising sponsors; others were contracted by shady management companies and industry figures such as Harvey Weinstein and R Kelly. Together they illuminate the culture of the early twenty-first century. Toxic: Women, Fame and The Noughties is a wild ride through the millennial years.

    ©2023 Sarah Ditum (P)2023 Hachette Audio UK


    Brilliant . . . made me realise how no one has pulled back and given an overall story to the last twenty years . . . It's clever because it makes me think about now (Adam Curtis, filmmaker)
    A necessary and incisive feminist reckoning with the noughties. Insightful, exhilarating - and horrifying. What were we thinking? (Caroline Criado Perez, author of Invisible Women)
    Living through the 00s, I never realised how casually cruel they were - how cruel we were - to famous women. Toxic is an incendiary page-turner that will make you reconsider the price of fame . . . and your opinion of Kim Kardashian. It's a Molotov cocktail hurled at the feet of celebrity culture (Helen Lewis, author of DIFFICULT WOMEN)

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