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Couverture de Tough Luck

Tough Luck

De : Sandra Dallas
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    In this homage to True Grit, a young woman makes a perilous journey west in 1863 in search of her gold-mining father.

    After their mother dies, Haidie Richards and her younger brother, Boots, are put to work in an orphanage. Their father left four years earlier to find a gold mine in Colorado Territory, and since then he’s sent only three letters. Still, Haidie is certain that he is alive, has struck gold, and will soon send for them.

    But patience is not one of Haidie’s virtues and soon she and her brother make a break for it. Boots and Haidie, disguised as a boy, embark on a dangerous journey deep into Western territory. Along the way, Haidie learns fast not only how to handle mules, oxen, and greedy men, but also that you are better off in a community. Hers includes a card shark, independent “spinster” sisters, and a very fierce dog. Once she arrives in Colorado and finds out the truth about her father, Haidie will need all her new friends for a get-even plot worthy of The Sting.

    Filled with vivid period detail, colorful characters, and the irreverent voice of our scrappy heroine, Tough Luck celebrates both the tenacity of youth and the persistence of the heart in the great American West.

    ©2025 Sandra Dallas (P)2025 Macmillan Audio


    "Another treat from Sandra Dallas, Tough Luck is a lighthearted story filled with adventure. I loved the tender hearted and quirky characters and I only hated that the story had to end." —Kathleen Grissom, New York Times bestselling author of The Kitchen House and Crow Mary

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