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  • Total Blackout

  • A Jack Tate SAS Thriller, Book 1
  • De : Alex Shaw
  • Lu par : Leighton Pugh
  • Durée : 10 h et 52 min

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Couverture de Total Blackout

Total Blackout

De : Alex Shaw
Lu par : Leighton Pugh
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    The start of a gripping new crime thriller series introducing ex-SAS trooper Jack Tate!

    Perfect for fans of James Deegan, Tom Clancy and Mark Greaney.

    Don’t miss the explosive start to the Jack Tate series.

    When lights go out....

    British M16 Agent and former SAS trooper Jack Tate is trying to escape his past when he witnesses a terrorist attack of unthinkable scale. An electro-magnetic pulse knocks out the US power grid, killing anything with a computer processor, throwing the whole country into darkness.

    You have to escape the past.

    Under the cover of the blackout, a clandestine operation aims to assassinate prominent public figures on US soil. Looting and violence spreads across the country. And Jack Tate’s past comes back to haunt him. As the only intelligence operative on the ground, he is hurled into a mission that will put him - and the people he loves - in immediate danger.

    You have to defeat the enemy.

    With the fate of the United States on the line, only he can prevent the horror of a new world war.

    This is an explosive action thriller you won’t be able to pause.

    ©2020 Alex Shaw (P)2020 HarperCollins Publishers Limited


    "Looking for breakneck pace and a relentless hero? Alex Shaw has you covered." (James Swallow)

    "Alex Shaw is one of the best thriller writers around! Fast paced, Total Blackout gripped from page one and didn’t let fast as a Hollywood movie." (Stephen Leather)

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