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  • Tony Benn at the BBC

  • The Benn Tapes, Free at Last! and more
  • De : Tony Benn
  • Lu par : Tony Benn
  • Durée : 11 h et 25 min

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Tony Benn at the BBC

De : Tony Benn
Lu par : Tony Benn
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    A collection of Tony Benn’s private audio diaries, documentaries and archive interviews

    Tony Benn was the patriarch of the Labour left, a radical statesman, orator and anti-war campaigner who spent over 50 years as an MP, serving in the Cabinet under Harold Wilson and James Callaghan. A prolific diarist, his political memoirs have been compared to Pepys in their detail, scope and accuracy. Three volumes are included here, read by Benn himself, together with four fascinating programmes focussing on the man behind the diaries.

    Part I: Tony Benn’s Diaries

    The Benn Tapes 1 – For over 25 years, Tony Benn sat late into the night dictating his personal account of the daily happenings at the heart of government. In this unique series, he shares his remarkable recordings from history’s front line, recalling events such as Harold Wilson’s surprise 1976 resignation; the miners’ strike of 1984-1985 and the 1992 general election.

    The Benn Tapes 2 – This second series of behind-the-scenes revelations sees Benn recounting why he believes nuclear power is unsafe, disclosing what went on during Cabinet reshuffles and tracing the split in the party following its 1979 defeat, the emergence of the Social Democratic Party, and his challenge to deputy leader Denis Healy.

    Free at Last!: The Diaries 1991-2001 – Spanning Tony Benn’s final decade as an MP, this third volume covers the Gulf War, the rise of New Labour, the death of Diana Princess of Wales and peace in Northern Ireland. Mixing political observations with a moving account of family life, it is full of humour, insight, joy and sadness.

    Part 2: Tony Benn’s Life

    In the Psychiatrist’s Chair: Tony Benn – Dr Anthony Clare talks to the legendary parliamentarian about his life, his career and how his guiding principles were influenced by his parents’ social and political convictions.

    Sentimental Journey: Tony Benn – Arthur Smith accompanies Tony Benn on a trip back to the place where he was born, grew up, and spent most of his political life – the City of Westminster.

    With Great Pleasure: Tony Benn – The veteran politician presents a selection of the prose and poetry that has shaped his personal philosophy, including the words of Mahatma Gandhi, Dwight D Eisenhower, Oscar Wilde and John Bunyan.

    Night Waves: Tony Benn – In an event from the 2008 Free Thinking festival, Tony Benn talks about the value of experience and discusses his own life experience with presenter Susan Hitch and the audience.

    Cast and credits

    The Benn Tapes
    Read by Tony Benn
    Produced by Keith Jones

    First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 21 Jul-8 Sep 1993 (Series 1), 17 Oct- 5 Dec 1994 (Series 2)

    Free at Last!: The Diaries 1991-2001
    Read by Tony Benn
    Produced by Jane Ray

    First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 13-17 Oct 2003

    In the Psychiatrist’s Chair: Tony Benn
    Presented by Dr Anthony Clare
    A Michael Ember production

    First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 13 Aug 1995

    Sentimental Journey: Tony Benn
    With Arthur Smith and Tony Benn
    Produced by Dilly Barlow

    First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 29 Jul 2006

    With Great Pleasure: Tony Benn
    Presented by Tony Benn
    Readers: Saffron Burrows, Jim Findley and Carl Prekopp
    Produced by Christine Hall

    First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 26 Jul 2007

    Night Waves: Tony Benn
    Presented by Susan Hitch
    With Tony Benn
    Produced by Allegra McIlroy

    First broadcast BBC Radio 3, 11 Dec 2008

    ©2024 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd. (P)2024 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd.

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