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Couverture de Tonight We Pray for the Momma

Tonight We Pray for the Momma

De : Becky Thompson, Susan K. Pitts
Lu par : Becky Thompson, Susan Pitts
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    Momma, you are not alone.

    But we know sometimes it feels like you are. You love your family dearly, but you are tired. You have questions in your heart and a weariness in your soul. It’s in the midnight moments of motherhood that you need to know, more than anything, that God is with you, no matter what.

    In Tonight We Pray for the Momma, bestselling authors and mother-daughter team Becky Thompson and Susan K. Pitts offer encouragement and hope for the hardest days. As leaders of the over 1.8 million praying moms of the Midnight Mom Devotional community, Becky and Susan have gathered their one hundred most beloved prayers and paired them with rich devotional stories and biblical wisdom for every stage of motherhood, including the times when momma:

    • feels hopeless and like she’s hanging on by a thread
    • worries that she’s failing her kids
    • needs wisdom for raising a fiery daughter or determined son
    • is searching for joy

    God is with you in the moments when the light feels dim and you need peace. He will meet you in His love, sustain you in your journey, and bring you hope in the dark.

    ©2023 Becky Thompson and Susan K. Pitts (P)2023 One Audiobooks

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