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Couverture de Today We Go Home

Today We Go Home

De : Kelli Estes
Lu par : Amy Landon, Sarah Mollo-Christensen
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    Two women, living centuries apart, fighting for our country's freedom...and their own.

    Seattle, Washington: Larkin Bennett has always known her place, whether it's surrounded by her loving family in the lush greenery of the Pacific Northwest, or riding on a dusty convoy in Afghanistan. But all that changed the day tragedy struck her unit and took away everything she held dear. Soon after, Larkin discovers an unexpected treasure: the diary of Emily Wilson, a young woman who disguised herself as a man to fight for the Union in the Civil War. As Larkin struggles to heal, she finds herself drawn deep into Emily's life and the secrets she kept.

    Indiana, 1861: The only thing more dangerous to Emily Wilson than a rebel soldier is her own comrades in the Union. But in the minds of her fellow soldiers, if it dresses like a man, swears like a man, and shoots like a man, it must be a man. As the war marches on and takes its terrible toll, Emily begins to question everything she has been told about the freedom she is supposed to be fighting for.

    ©2019 Kelli Estes (P)2019 Blackstone Audio, Inc.

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