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  • To Track a Traitor

  • A Lane Winslow Mystery, Book 10
  • De : Iona Whishaw
  • Lu par : Marilla Wex
  • Durée : 13 h et 24 min

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To Track a Traitor

De : Iona Whishaw
Lu par : Marilla Wex
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    With events spanning both world wars, the tenth instalment in the Lane Winslow mystery series—which first began with the bestselling adventure A Killer in King's Cove—is a transatlantic tale of sibling rivalry, infidelity, and espionage.

    It’s an early morning in May when Lane is pulled from a deep sleep by a concerning phone call from Scotland—her grandfather has had a heart attack. Lane hastily makes plans to fly overseas, and a dejected Inspector Darling prepares himself for a stint of bachelorhood. But before he can begin to dwell on it the Nelson Police learn that Ben Arden, a local cad, has gone out for a late-night boat ride and not returned, which immediately sets the town rumour mill churning.

    In Scotland Lane finds her grandfather on the mend but her estranged sister Diana caught up in stressful—and mysterious—circumstances of her own. As Lane follows the thread leading from South Africa to Aberdeen to the War Office in London it becomes apparent that her sister is on the run, and that keeping secrets seems to be a Winslow family trait.

    Back at the Nelson Police station a strange assemblage of clues begins to amass around the Arden case, stretching from the local printshop all the way back to the Great War. But progress is interrupted when the mayor himself issues a demand that Darling travel to England to tie up a decades-old mystery with local connections. True to form, upon Darling’s arrival in London he is quickly swept up in Lane’s mission, which threatens to endanger the entire family.

    ©2023 Iona Whishaw (P)2023 TouchWood Editions


    “Intricately woven together, Iona Wishaw presents a stellar mystery with twists and turns in this clever novel that links crimes from two different eras and two different continents. Follow the fascinating characters as they track down the answers to one crime, only to discover its just the beginning.”—Eliza Knight, USA Today bestselling author of Starring Adele Astaire

    “What a delight! Lane and Darling are the most adorable couple I’ve met in a long time, and Ms Whishaw’s clever insights into their post-WW2 lives are crafted with such charming finesse that readers will fall in love as I did. With a cast of beguiling characters following unexpected twists and turns until the truths are finally revealed, To Track a Traitor was a joy to read. I am off to order the rest of the series!”—Genevieve Graham, #1 USA Today bestselling author of Bluebird

    “From its gripping opening sentence through to its thrilling conclusion, To Track a Traitor unspools an appealing tale of family secrets, small-town murder, and cross-Atlantic intrigue. Whishaw is a master of the historical mystery, and Traitor provides Lane Winslow with her most electrifying—and personal—adventure yet.”—Sam Wiebe, award-winning author of Sunset and Jericho and Hell and Gone

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