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Couverture de To Love a Thief

To Love a Thief

De : Delta James
Lu par : JT Farrell
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    When a master jewel thief and a determined investigator come together in a deadly game of cat and mouse, their attraction to each other may be their undoing.

    Claire Mitchell is a master jewel thief who has a secret. Although the thrill of the heist is exciting, there is a reason behind her choice of profession. Family honor above all else. It was the perfect plan… until he interfered.

    Ryland Fletcher is the investigator determined to catch her. As he tracks Claire and gets to know her he finds there are more questions than answers. He doesn’t trust the beautiful thief in his bed, but it doesn’t stop him from wanting her. The risk is life or death, but the rewards are too great to resist.

    When their game of cat and mouse turns deadly, can he bring her in, or will it cost them both their lives?

    With heart-pounding action, edge of your seat suspense, and a steamy romance, To Love A Thief will keep you captivated until the very end.

    ©2023 Delta James (P)2024 Delta James

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