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To Have and to Hold

De : Barbara Edema
Lu par : Barbara Edema
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Welcome back, Pastor Maggie!

Pastor Maggie, of Loving the Lord Community Church, has settled into her new position and finally gained the trust and respect of her congregation, but they will all be tested when the church comes under attack through a series of malicious break-ins and vandalism. Maggie tries to hold everyone together and determine if the threat is from an outsider or someone actually sitting in the pews of her church each Sunday. Can she keep her beautiful church safe? Will she still be able to accomplish the planned mission trip to Ghana if the money from a fundraiser is stolen?

While Maggie desperately waits for a whisper from God, she also fears that a major event will be ruined by the well-meaning, very loving members of the church. How will she maintain her own blossoming romance with tall, dark, and scrumptious Dr. Jack Elliot and support the daily needs of her congregation through life-and-death matters when it all feels one step away from collapsing?

Will they catch the villain before he ruins everything?

Praise for To Have and to Hold:

"An enjoyable [listen]. Not a murder mystery but a gentle exploration of relationships, connections and the power—and the mystery—of love. Pastor Maggie is one to watch." (G.M. Malliet, award-winning author of the St Just mysteries and the Max Tudor mysteries)

©2017 Barbara Edema (P)2023 Barbara Edema
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    "An enjoyable read. Not a murder mystery but a gentle exploration of relationships, connections and the power—and the mystery—of love. Pastor Maggie is one to watch." (G.M. Malliet, award-winning author of the St. Just Mysteries and the Max Tudor Mysteries)

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