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  • To H-1B or Not to Be

  • The Debate Continues...
  • De : Hitesh Dev
  • Lu par : Ayaan Dev
  • Durée : 5 h et 15 min

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To H-1B or Not to Be

De : Hitesh Dev
Lu par : Ayaan Dev
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    To H-1B or Not to Be is a coming-of-age story of a young ambitious Indian student and a must-listen for youth who have a dream to go to the United States for education or work. The next goal for any student is to get an H-1B visa and permanent residency to stay there forever. But the path is not easy, and it often comes with a price, and the author makes a successful attempt of telling an intriguing tale that is based on real characters and situations around the author's life in the United States. 

    The protagonist in this book has to go through a lot, including losing the lives of his loved ones in his pursuit for an H-1B visa and green card. This is a dilemma faced by a lot of professionals, whether an H-1B visa and permanent residency are worth the pain and a life away from your loved ones. Also, their entire youth is spent waiting for permanent residency, which in some cases is as long as their lifetime. 

    Will Amit be able to build his life in the land of opportunities, or would the greed of IT companies force him to go back to his motherland? Will Amit be able to marry the love of his life?

    An interesting twist on current topics like immigration and H-1B visa.

    ©2019 Hitesh Dev (P)2021 Hitesh Dev

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