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Couverture de Tinker, Tailor, Schoolmum, Spy

Tinker, Tailor, Schoolmum, Spy

De : Faye Brann
Lu par : Candida Gubbins
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    ‘I just loved this book… put on a smile on my face’ Libby Page, The Lido‘Naturally funny… page turning, smart and sassy’ Helen Lederer, comedian, author and founder of the CWIP Prize‘Fresh and different… and skilfully written’ Yomi Adekoke, Slay in Your Lane

    Vicky Turnbull has never regretted giving up her career for family life in the suburbs. And apart from being outstandingly good at paintball, no one would ever know that in a past life she was an undercover spy and has been trained to kill a man with her bare hands. Not even her husband, and certainly not the other mums at the school gate.

    But beneath the school runs and bake sales, Vicky had never quite said goodbye to the past. So, when a newcomer on the PTA sets alarms bells ringing and MI5 comes calling, she’s determined to prove that despite her expanding waistline and love of pink gin, she’s still every bit the cold-eyed special operative.

    When the assignment gets uncomfortably close to home, Vicky must decide if she has got what the job takes after all, and if home is really where her heart is…

    ‘Very funny’ – Grace Campbell, comedian and author of Amazing Disgrace

    ©2021 Faye Brann (P)2021 HarperCollins Publishers Limited


    "Naturally turning, smart and sassy." (Helen Lederer, comedian, author and founder of the CWIP Prize)

    "Fresh and different...and skilfully written." (Yomi Adekoke, author of Slay in Your Lane)

    "Very funny." (Grace Campbell, comedian and author of Amazing Disgrace)

    "I just loved this book… put on a smile on my face." (Libby Page, The Lido)

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