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  • Time to Take Back Control

  • A Guide to Improve Mental Health and Wellbeing for a Strong, Healthy and Successful Life
  • De : Carl Mclean
  • Lu par : Adam Wright
  • Durée : 1 h et 18 min

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Time to Take Back Control

De : Carl Mclean
Lu par : Adam Wright
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    We all know the statistics, right? 

    You may be shocked to read that more than 19 percent of the population is suffering from mental illnesses. Among teenagers, this number is even more significant, around 46 percent. This is a shocking statistic. But with the current trends in lifestyle and culture warping more and more out of control, there's no surprise why people of all ages are suffering mentally. 

    This book covers the main factors behind the decline of mental well-being and provides an opportunity for the listener to learn more about how to improve their well-being to enjoy a more healthy and fulfilling life. 

    You will learn more about: 

    • Mindfulness 
    • Mindfulness eating 
    • How to break bad habits 
    • How to declutter your mind 
    • Health in the workplace 

    By listening to this book, you will not only improve yourself but everything around you. You should be able to apply all the advice from this book to your daily life and habits and quickly notice the improvements. 

    The most important thing is wanting to change. 

    See you at the other end!

    ©2021 Carl David Mclean (P)2021 Carl David Mclean

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