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Couverture de Time and Time Again, Book 2

Time and Time Again, Book 2

De : Eliot Jones
Lu par : Eliot Jones
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    Ray Diamond is back!

    During the sold-out premiere of the most anticipated new show in Las Vegas at the Marigold Hotel and Casino, everyone in attendance will experience more than what they expected, especially the attempted murder victim who at the time was on stage in full view of the packed theater. The success of the show was paramount to Marigold owner Aiden Accard's well-being because when his hotel was in the midst of financial difficulties, he'd made an arrangement with "the family" that was mutually beneficial for both parties. Unfortunately, it's now time for Accard to hold up his end of the the deal, but the bad press and subsequent financial fallout stemming from the events of that night have left Accard in the extremely unenviable position of not being able to follow through.

    Despite the overwhelmingly long odds of success and with time running out, Accard turns to private detective Ray Diamond who he believes is the one person capable of helping him with his issues with the family, and the one who could solve the mystery of what happened on that fateful night. When all is said and done one thing is certain; Accard is going to do everything he can to stay alive and save his hotel in the process, or he's going to die trying.

    ©2022 Eliot Jones (P)2024 Eliot Jones

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