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Time, Money, Freedom

De : Ray Higdon, Jessica Higdon
Lu par : Ray Higdon, Jessica Higdon
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    Ten secrets to gaining personal and financial freedom for you and your family, from two top marketing experts and entrepreneurs

    From living on Jess's wages as a makeup counter sales clerk, to achieving dramatic success as network marketing partners, to running a multi-million-dollar coaching and training company today, Ray and Jessica Higdon have built their lives on a shared desire for freedom and balance. Now they want to help you do the same, and do it all from the comfort of your own home!

    With 10 simple rules for redefining what's possible in your life, this book will help you build confidence, shift your mind-set, and learn the tools to take control of your life and start on a path toward your own definition of freedom.

    Whether "success" for you means being your own boss full-time, taking an extended parental leave without worrying about how to pay the bills, or saving money to send your child to college, you can follow these rules to make a positive change in your life.

    You'll learn to:

    • Make room for change in your life by banishing doubt and anxiety
    • Create a vision for your personal brand of freedom outside the corporate grind of the status quo
    • Talk about and make money without shame - the money you have and the money you want
    • Wave good-bye to your inner perfectionist
    • Know exactly what to do on a daily basis to make more money from home
    • Have a commitment strategy, not an exit strategy
    • Always remember that money can't buy happiness!

    This audio product contains a PDF with supporting material, and the PDF is available to download.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2020 Hay House, Inc. (P)2020 Hay House, Inc.

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